Did you see Maxine Waters on the Michael Jackson Show yesterday II? - maxine and retirement
This is what I sent today, tomorrow.
Dear Maxine:
Your "presentation" on the eve of Michael Jackson show was a real shame for all of us in California and the United States.
I think he tried to Al Franken, lost the clown of the Congress.
Stop and start working. So we've sent to DC.
Instead of her daughter crying on the stage, which would put the children molested, and he listened to their stories.
That would be.
** EDIT ** I'm sure it's twice as large for the use that he has lied. This boy has really cashed out!
It was Sheila Jackson Lee, you idiot ..
EDIT: Polly: FYI, that (the child has become a man), who claimed he was sexually abused MJ said that he had lied last week .. It was all a hoax to get money. Her father said that
You are not God, stop judging people.
Members of Congress false. Issue a decision, but also harm its members.
She would have to try to remain continuously and not his damn job. is
Pelosi kisses ***
No, and you should not either. Who was Waters. Who was Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas.
This item should be a source of embarrassment for you.
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